S2B Masterclass Registration

Welcome to the S2B Masterclass Registration portal. The S2B (Skill-to-Business) program is a series of high end masterclasses hosted by AYEAH AVISA once a month. Every month, we select a topic that will 10x your growth and invite a guest that you will love to accelerate your success in business and the skill economy.

Fill the form below to reserve a FREE seat at the January session of the S2B Masterclass captioned:

“How to Find Clarity and Focus your Energy for Optimal Results in 2023”

Let’s Go!

Add Country Code. Ex: (+237...)
Ex- Yaounde, Cameroon / Nairobi, Kenya
Describe the skills/knowledge/expertise you currently have which you intend to monetize or scale.
Ask anything you wish to know
We use this information to appreciate the person who led you to this life changing opportunity - they deserve it.